Meet Jim Moshonsky from Thunder Bay, ON

I have been a licensed commercial pilot for almost 40 years and recently retired as a business owner and Professional Engineer. I built and fly both a twin engine, amphibious experimental Aircam as well as a Vans RV-10 which I very recently completed in the Spring of 2022. My wife and I have enjoyed many cross-country journeys and have even ventured further south obtaining my South African foreign license validation and renting a South African registered C-182 to fly the bush strips and explore the wonders and beauty of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland.

I am looking for an opportunity to give back to the General Aviation community and believe that by serving as a COPA board member for the North I can work with the membership and executive to improve and expand GA in Canada. I am continually shocked and surprised to see how GA is largely ignored by all levels of government from local to provincial and federal and what once was a thriving, vibrant and vital community has been relegated to a forgotten and ignored endeavor. I feel we must continue to stand up and promote and lobby for our interests and promote and expand our freedom to fly.

I feel that with my senior management experience and the skills gained by working on the executive level on many industry boards, associations, and committees I can bring meaningful and important contributions to the COPA board of directors.