January 30, 2020

Low-Carbon Airport Infrastructure


How can the construction of airport infrastructure help reduce our enviro mental footprint? The Calgary Airport Authority, operator of Calgary’s main airport (CYYC), worked with a company called CarbonCure Concrete to construct an aircraft de-icing pad that uses a mixture of concrete that reduces its carbon content by 16 kilograms per cubic metre. They do this by injecting waste carbon dioxide recovered from elsewhere into the concrete during mixing.

“This is yet another instance of CarbonCure concrete easily meeting rigorous performance standards, including the top-tier design and engineering standards required for airport paving,” said company founder and CEO Robert Niven, a McGill University engineering graduate. It was during his final year at McGill that he attended the 2007 United Nations Summit on Climate Change, which gave him the inspiration to establish his company.

Now a world leader, the CarbonCure Technology is being used by concrete producers across North America and Southeast Asia to reduce concrete’s carbon footprint, create new production cost savings and gain a competitive sales advantage.

“YYC Calgary International Airport is pleased to be a leader as the largest airport user to-date of CarbonCure in Canada,” said Carmelle Hunka, vice-president of risk and compliance at the airport. “As YYC strives to be a leader in airport sustainability, we fully supported our airline partners in the decision to inject captured carbon into the new East De-icing Apron’s concrete pavement.”

Photo courtesy of YYC