February 21, 2020

tailBeaconX Hits Canadian Market


uAvionix announced on Tuesday of this week that their tailBeaconX ADS-B OUT Mode S 1090ES transponder is now available for purchase and installation on non-certified aircraft in Canada. A TSO’d/STC’d version for certified aircraft is expected this spring.

According to uAvionix, the tailBeaconX meets the requirements for flights above FL180 in U.S. domestic airspace, as well as all current and proposed ADS-B OUT mandates internationally, including Canada, and is compatible with the Aireon space-based ADS-B system.

In late 2019 uAvionix initiated a tailBeaconX beta test program together with Nav Canada, Aireon and COPA.

“COPA is proud and excited to take part of this groundbreaking technological advancement,” said Bernard Gervais, COPA’s president and CEO. “Our members and GA from anywhere in the world will be able to equip and reap the safety benefits of see and be seen at a more reasonable price than any other ADS-B system. Best of all the small, simple, easy to install system could also be an excellent complement to traditional 406MHz ELTs that don’t work almost two out of five times. This could take the Search out of Search and Rescue.”

Added Cyriel Kronenburg, vice-president of Aviation Services for Aireon, “A solution like tailBeaconX will expand the proven safety and operational benefits of ADS-B through a space-based service to the general aviation community.”

uAvionix has already gained a reputation in the U.S. for the ease and low-cost installation of their skyBeacon and tailBeacon ADS-B OUT 978UAT devices (both of which are incompatible with ADS-B systems outside of the U.S.). These two devices replace a wingtip nav light (skyBeacon) or rear position light (tailBeacon).

The tailBeaconX, which incorporates an LED, replaces the rear position light. It incorporates a 1090MHz Mode S ES ADS-B OUT transponder, a Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) Global Positioning System (GPS) position source and dipole antenna. Drawing only three watts of power, the device weighs only 90 grams. A remote-controlled version for non-certified aircraft sells for U$2,499, with options to bundle it with uAvionix’s AV-20E or AV-30E EFIS control heads. Alternatively, it can be controlled by other, existing EFISs.

The tailBeaconX is also designed for use with upcoming Electric Take Off and Landing aircraft (eVTOL).