April 30, 2020

From the COPA CEO’s Office….


COPA has been meeting regularly with Transport Canada during those meetings with all of industry. A lot of the work understandably revolves around money-generating operations and operators, who have suffered major losses in the past weeks. You can see the COVID-19 related action items here.

A question that has come up during some of the live sessions I’ve been holding is “when can we go back up again?” The answer is to follow your provincial guidelines of confinement and moving about, same as you would with your car. And ask yourself, is it really essential (other than your need to fly)?

Relief flights

We have clearly heard our members wanting to do something with their aircraft about helping out. A few weeks ago we offered the federal government our COPA resources by way of our COPA Flights with our GA aircraft and pilots. They have gotten back to us to explore the possibilities, mainly the federal Department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs. Right now, it is at a discussion level and there is nothing official nor any specific need. There will be coordination with Public Safety Canada and other departments and most likely provinces. If anything comes out, we will reach out to COPA Flights directly.