November 25, 2021

Wingham airport sale made official by council

Jon Robinson

— By Cory Bilyea, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Wingham Advance Times (Photo: Steve Bond)

Council approved the agreement between the Township of North Huron and Papple Aviation in a third and final reading of the purchase and sale agreement bylaw at the Nov. 15 council meeting.

One minor change was made to the official document.

On page seven, in Schedule A, the document read that the purchaser agrees to purchase or lease hangars to current lessors. This wording needed to be changed since the hangars are privately owned and not part of the purchase.

The agreed-upon purchase price for the airport is $200,000. The fuel tanks located on the property, the terminal building, and all contents are included in the purchase.

Not included are the hangars and the RC Jets building.

Reeve Bernie Bailey told the Wingham Advance Times that running the airport costs approximately $100,000 a year. Within two years, the township will see the benefits. The sale of the remaining land surrounding the airport will see more funds in the township coffers.

The agreement must be completed by Dec. 21, 2021. The final agreement said, “upon completion, vacant possession of the property shall be given to the purchaser unless otherwise provided in this agreement.”