December 2, 2021

Tecnam earns P2010 TDI diesel certification

Jon Robinson

Tecnam on November 24 announced the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded full Type Certificate to the P2010 TDI with the number A00066CE for Part 23 of the FAA Regulations.

The company describes its P2010 airframe, with its wide, composite, fuselage design and the all-metal wing and stabilator, as a “perfect platform” to match the diesel engine performance and capabilities. The consolidated comfort, 3rd door back seat accessibility, safety and reliability of the “P Twenty-Ten” are now accompanied by the added efficiency granted by the use of Diesel/JetA1 fuel.

The Continental Diesel 170 hp Turbocharged Engine joins the P2010 power plant options of the 180 hp Avgas/Mogas and 215 hp Avgas engine. Techam explains this latest engine pairing provides strong fuel efficiency and performance: The Turbo Diesel/JetA1 power plant offers a cruise-fuel burn that ranges from 4.5 USG/hr (17 litres/hr) at 55% power, to 7 USG/hr (27 litres/hr) at 75 per cent power. This provides consistent performance up to 8,000 feet, according to the company, and allows operations up to 18,000 feet.

Techam explains the standard P2010 fuel tanks provide a range in excess of 1,000 NM and endurance of up to 12 hours, all monitored through the Garmin G1000Nxi avionics package. TECNAM and Continental are also working on the latest improvement of Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

“The addition of the Continental Diesel Engine is more proof that Tecnam is dedicated to the General Aviation Marketplace by providing safe, efficient, innovative aircraft for today’s pilots.” said David Copeland, Director of Sales, Tecnam.

(Photo: Tecnam)