February 24, 2022

Canadian Council for Sustainable Aviation Fuels launches

Jon Robinson

Canadian aviation industry leaders are joining forces to create the Canadian Council for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (C-SAF), with a mission is to accelerate the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) in Canada. In announcing its launch, C-SAF states sustainable aviation fuels can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80 per cent and can be used now without significant modifications to aircraft or supply infrastructure.

C-SAF has been created by a consortium of 60 airlines operating in Canada and comprised of key stakeholders in the Canadian aviation ecosystem including suppliers, aerospace manufacturers, airports, finance, and academia. The council is also focused on facilitating the production and supply of affordable, low-carbon, made-in-Canada SAF.

C-SAF also aims to serve as the voice of its members with governments and stakeholders to develop a strategy and roadmap for a profitable and sustainable SAF market in Canada.

“Decarbonizing Canadian aviation requires collaboration between industry, governments, scientists and airlines. The C-SAF provides a space for a common dialogue to facilitate the exchange of ideas to reduce GHG emissions from aviation and we strongly believe that with everyone working together, change can happen faster,” said Geoff Tauvette, Executive Director of the C-SAF.

C-SAF explains aviation will be one of the most difficult sectors to decarbonize as electric and hydrogen technologies are still in development, requiring the establishment of a SAF supply chain to accelerate commercialization.

The Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) on Feb. 23 announced it is playing a leadership role as a launch member of C-SAF. Other major industry players to have committed to this new initiative include Air Canada, Air Transat, Shell Aviation, Airbus and Bombardier, among others.

“The GTAA is focused on rebuilding the air travel experience by creating the airport of the future – one that is healthier, more innovative, greener and more effective,” said Deborah Flint, President and CEO, GTAA. “Sustainable aviation fuels will play an important role in achieving that objective, and the C-SAF, in turn, will help guide industry by helping to establish a sustainable aviation fuel value chain to accelerate its commercialization and widespread use.”

(Photo: Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation pour les photos, C-SAF)