July 20, 2022

CAE launches Electric Aircraft Modification Program with Piper Aircraft

Jon Robinson

CAE on July 19 at the Farnborough International Air Show 2022 announced it has partnered with Piper Aircraft to develop a conversion kit via a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for in-service Piper Archer (PA-28-181) aircraft to help bring an electric variant of the aircraft to market.

CAE expects to convert two-thirds of its Piper Archer training fleet and develop a curriculum for new pilots to train on the operation of electric aircraft. CAE is bringing together industry leaders from Canada, the United States, and Europe to develop an aircraft that will reduce carbon emissions and noise levels at its flight schools around the world, while training future pilots to operate electric aircraft.

“The development of this technology is a first for CAE,” said Marc Parent, CAE’s President and CEO. “As an engineering powerhouse and one of the largest Piper Archer operators, CAE is uniquely positioned to make electric-powered flight a reality at our flight schools and beyond.”

CAE and Piper Aircraft intend to work together on an electrical conversion kit for third parties, along with training and support services required for the operation of electrified Piper Archer aircraft. H55 of Switzerland is set to provide the battery system. CAE is also engaging with Safran Electrical & Power to incorporate the new ENGINeUSTM 100 electric smart motor into the STC conversion kit.

“With 28,000 aircraft in global service, the PA-28 is the ideal platform for real world flight training curriculums and professional pilot training programs like CAE’s,” said Piper Aircraft President and CEO, John Calcagno.

(Image: CAE)