November 9, 2022

Cessna flight around CN Tower to raise money for Alzheimer’s, Elder Abuse Awareness

Jon Robinson

Business and private jet pilot Mike Bremner, Flight Lead of the Elder Abuse Air Force. (Photo: E.A.A.F.)

Elder Abuse Awareness Flight, now known as Elder Abuse Air Force, plans to set a World Record by orbiting the CN Tower 83 times this Saturday morning, November 12. The group’s goal is to raise money for the Alzheimer Society of Canada.

Backed by corporate sponsorship from Home Instead and Stay At Home Nursing Niagara, the flight will begin at 9:00 am on Saturday. It will be streamed live from the cockpit through the Elder Abuse Awareness Flight Facebook page.

Mike Bremner, Flight Lead of the Elder Abuse Air Force (E.A.A.F) plans to orbit the CN Tower 83 times in a Cessna 172 aircraft. This will establish a new World Record for most orbits around a free-standing structure. A native of Toronto, Bremner is a corporate jet captain and media entrepreneur.

At 1:00 pm a 3-aircraft formation from The Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association will join Mike for two final orbits of the CN Tower. “Harvard aircraft used to train pilots in WWII are representative of the greatest generation. The generation we need to protect,” said Mike Bremner.

Donations tied to the flight can be made through the Alzheimer Society of Canada.