December 1, 2022

A unique drone technology from Quebec

Jon Robinson

DroneXperts’ new AirDX-SM drone. (Photo : DroneExperts)

By Luc Boily

On November 24, 2022, the newspaper La Presse published an article on the AirDX-SM drone from the DroneXperts firm of Quebec, highlighting that it has developed a technology allowing the simultaneous use of three sampling methods aimed at determining the quality of the air.

According to the company, this is a world first. Aimed at large industries that want to measure emissions from their facilities, including pulp and paper mills, sanitary landfills and oil companies, the AirDX-SM drone is “able to go and sample in places where a human cannot,” said Patrick Chatelle, Environment and Research Director at DroneXperts, to La Presse. Weighing 4.5 kg and having a range of 15 minutes, this drone could geolocate and detect in real time up to seven different gases, including greenhouse gases (GHGs).

According to the article, the design of the AirDX-SM mobilized around 15 experts from 2015, notably from the Centre for Industrial Research of Quebec (CRIQ) and the Centre of Expertise in Environmental Analysis of Quebec (CEAEQ ). Since March 2022, the team has focused on obtaining certifications and demonstrating regulatory compliance for the AirDX-SM.

DroneXperts estimates that the first AirDX-SM units should be delivered in January 2023. They will be entirely manufactured in by DroneXperts in Quebec, which has around 30 employees. Initially, the company is targeting the North American and European markets, but no door is closed.