May 12, 2018
Buttonville Airport Saga Continues (edited)
The ongoing saga at the Buttonville Airport (CYKZ) continued last week as it was revealed through various sources that NAV Canada is planning to close the airport’s control tower.
There was also an announcement by the airport’s owners that the field would remain open for business, delaying its planned closure possibly to spring of 2023.
COPA and general aviation community have concerns with the plan to shutter the tower, based on consultation that was done so soon before the airport closes.
COPA subsequently called on NAV Canada and Transport Canada to review the consultation that was done in 2017, which was based on an imminently closing airport. In our view this consultation should be revisited in light of the fact that the airport is planning to stay open. Even if in the last few years the movement numbers have gone down at CYKZ (see Statistics Canada data here), stakeholders may also shed new light that could warrant keeping a tower. An updated consultation should provide these answers.
NAV CANADA reports that they are delaying the closing date from the original date of July 2018, to consider any new information that may be available relating to traffic at and plans for the Buttonville airport. If no such information is available, or if it does not impact the conclusions of the Aeronautical Study, NAV CANADA will proceed with the closure with notice being provided to stakeholders.