April 18, 2019
Cannabis and Your Medical Certificate
The new Medical Evaluation Form implemented by Civil Aviation Medicine in December 2018 now contains a question about cannabis use. Please see the TCCA letter to this effect (appended below).
A positive answer to the question about cannabis use in the past 12 months results in the following:
- The Civil Aviation Medical Examiner (CAME) completes the examination, and must defer the renewal (if applicable).
- The CAME forwards the application for assessment by the Regional Aviation Medical Examiner (RAMO).
- The RAMO assesses the application. If necessary, the RAMO issues a letter to the applicant requesting further information from their healthcare provider to clarify the nature of the cannabis use, including:
- Reason for use (e.g. recreational or medical – if medical, then the underlying health condition requiring treatment)
- Frequency of use
- Dose
- Delivery method (smoking, vaped, ingested)
- Any history of a diagnosis of Substance Use Disorder
- Any other patterns of substance use that could affect aviation safety
- Upon receipt of the additional information, the RAMO will reassess the application and provide a decision.
- The decision will be communicated to the applicant, along with a reminder that cannabis use is incompatible with medical certification and aviation safety.
Bottom line, your choices are simple:
Do not consume cannabis; or lie about it, in which case a coroner might expose the truth.
COPA strongly recommends the first option.
Cannabis letter fr and eng