November 11, 2021

Captain Judy Cameron Scholarship applications open

Jon Robinson

The Northern Lights Aero Foundation announced the opening of online applications for the third annual Captain Judy Cameron Air Canada Scholarship, established in honour of the airline’s first female pilot. Applications for the 2021-2022 scholarship will be accepted until November 30, 2021.

This is the third year that Air Canada has provided this scholarship, which targets women who are Canadian citizens and who are enrolled in a fixed wing aviation flight program at a college, university, or flight school, or an aircraft repair and maintenance program anywhere in Canada.

Application details and the application form can be found on our website here.

The Northern Lights Aero Foundation is in its 13thj year of celebrating women in Canada’s aerospace and aviation industries. Other initiatives of the Northern Lights Aero Foundation include a speakers’ bureau, mentorship program, scholarship program and a junior board.

(Image: Air Canada video)