Serving our Communities Since 1964


At flying clubs and meeting halls from Newfoundland & Labrador to Vancouver Island to Canada’s Far North, COPA members are coming together to preserve the spirit of flight in their communities. You can help boost community aviation awareness while participating in locally sponsored aviation activities and events as members of a COPA Flight.

Find your local Flight


Select first your province, then your Copa Flight from the listing. Information will appear below the map.



* If you don’t see your COPA Flight in this listing, it may be expired or inactive. Please contact COPA.

Upcoming COPA Flight Events


To find a meeting organized by a COPA Flight chapter, please check the COPA Event calendar.

Discover Aviation Events


COPA’s Discover Aviation program (previously known as COPA For Kids) provides free flights to anyone 8 years of age and older. The program’s goal is to introduce community members and future pilots into the world of aviation.


For more information on the program and to receive a Certificate of Insurance, click here.

Apply for COPA Air Meet Insurance


If you are a current COPA Flight (you must update your information yearly, see below) and are planning on hosting an event, you need to request your Air Meet Insurance Certificate.


To see what is covered, under the policy click here.


COPA National will only cover the costs as indicated under the policy, should you require additional coverage, please contact Magnes directly for a quote, at your own cost and expense.


Please visit the COPA Discover Aviation Program page for additional information on pilot coverage.

*Please note: to qualify as an active COPA Flight, you must complete your Flight’s Annual Status Update and submit the names and member IDs of at least ten (10) active COPA members, including the members who are elected to lead the Flight. More info on updating your COPA Flight status below.


Hosting a Discover Aviation event? Complete the form at the bottom of this page to receive insurance coverage.

Updating your COPA Flight Information


All COPA Flights have access to the COPA Control Panel. If you need assistance accessing or resetting the login information, send an email.


The COPA Control Panel is where COPA Flights can update their contact information and flight information. COPA Flights are expected to host their Annual General Meeting and election each year in December and login to the Control Panel and complete their annual status update. This must be done each year to ensure a COPA Flights status is active.




To validate your COPA Flight status, you may also complete the COPA Flight Annual Status Report form and once complete, email a copy to


Becoming a COPA Flight

Interested in setting up a COPA Flight? COPA members can access the Guide to COPA Flights on the Members Only Documents page for more information.


To apply to become a new COPA Flight or reestablish an expired COPA Flight, please download and complete this form. Email the completed copy to

Tell us about your COPA Flight

COPA Flight Profile

Thank you for filling out this form. This will help the team at COPA National in gathering the necessary information about your COPA Flight to highlight your Flight in upcoming eFlight member bulletin newsletters

Tell us a bit about your COPA Flight

Please enter a number greater than or equal to 10.
When was it started? Who were the founding members? What is your COPA Flight known for?
Tell us about your COPA Flight's involvement, potentially with other community organizations (local government, local airports, or other civil society organizations), to advance, promote, and preserve the Canadian freedom to flight. Has your COPA Flight ever been featured in any local news?
Tell us about any annual events you host or participate in (e.g. annual fly-ins, air tours, Discover Aviation days)
e.g.: Raising funds for Flight events and for the COPA Freedom to Fly Fund
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    Would you be interested in COPA National offering to manage your website for a fee?

    Now tell us a bit about yourself

    Main contact
    Email address