COPA Foundation and Fund


The COPA Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) was incorporated on June 14, 1993. Its Objects of Incorporation provide that it is:

  • To promoted and protect personal aviation as a valued, integral and sustainable part of the Canadian community and to promote flight safety by:
  • Producing programs and materials directly related to objects herein for presentation, broadcast and distribution on any means of audio, visual, computer, internet, electronic, digital or other forms of communication as may become available from time to time;
  • Participating in the regulatory process, promoting realistic and practical rules and regulations affecting personal aviation;
  • Establishing, owning, and operating one or more publishing offices, printing plants, distribution centres, or retail facilities for the publication, printing, distribution and sale of all types of literature and publications directly related to the objects herein;
  • Receiving and maintaining a fund or funds for the objects of the Corporation and to apply from time to time all or in part of the income and /or capital thereof for the objects herein and for the benefit of entities that have similar objects or complementary to the objects of the Corporation;
  • To develop, organize, conduct and provide programs, classes, meetings, training seminars, on-site visits, field trips, workshops, seminars, conferences, resource materials and study materials for individuals, groups and Organizations interested in personal aviation and flight safety in accordance with the objects herein; and
  • To conduct research, develop policies and guidelines, and communicate the results therefrom as well as other research and information to interested individuals, groups, organizations, academic, industry and governments, and to educate and increase public awareness on flight safety.

The Foundation was granted registered charity status by the Canada Revenue Agency effective April 1, 2008. 

COPA Flight Safety Foundation provides a variety of aviation safety related educational and training services to the Canadian aviation community  through its COPA Safety Program as well as administers COPA’s three Scholarships: the Neil J. Armstrong Ab Initio Flight Training Award, the COPA advanced Flight Training Awards and the Advanced RPAS Pilot Certificate Awards.

The COPA Flight Safety Program and scholarships rely exclusively on donations.


The COPA Freedom to Fly Fund (FFF) objects of Incorporation provide that it is:

“To promote, protect and advance the interests of general aviation by:

  • Educating the general public, legislators, and government departments and their officials in the Canada and its provinces or elsewhere with respect to matters relating to general aviation:
  • Initiating and conducting litigation by way of class action or otherwise in support of general aviation;
  • Supporting the aims, objects and activities of COPA; and
  • Carrying out such other programs not inconsistent with the above purposes.”

If you have an issue you would like assistance with, please fill out the following form. Requests for funds from the FF will only be accepted via this form.

Donate to COPA

You can make a donation at any time by either completing one of spaces on the online membership renewal form or when you receive it in mail, by calling the office, or sending a cheque by mail to the office, or click on the button below for the online form.


The government recognizes the value of charitable donations and provides tax benefits for those who give. Planned charitable giving involves evaluating various options for giving gifts of cash, securities, real estate or any type of personal or cultural property to a registered charity, now and in the future. You can make such a donation at any time and you will receive a donation receipt equal to the cash value or the fair market value of your donation.

Because different options for giving have different tax implication we recommend that you consult your financial advisor to pick the method that will be most beneficial to you.

Donate In Memoriam

“The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn’t it be? —it is the same the angels breathe.”
— Mark Twain, Roughing It, Chapter XXII, 1886

Honour a family member, a friend or a colleague who has passed away by making a donation on his or her behalf through the In Memoriam Program. An In Memoriam donation is a thoughtful way to keep someone’s memory alive while continuing to support the cause they cherished in life. Each generous donation helps support the training of Canadian pilots.

With a donation of $25 or more, your recipient will receive a personalized card letting them know you’ve made a donation on their behalf. Click here to make an In Memoriam donation.



Current Gifts

Gift of Cash
An immediate cash gift is the simplest and most common charitable gift. The tax receipts are normally used to offset taxes payable in the same year.

Gift of Appreciated Securities
The federal budget of May 2006 eliminated capital gains tax on gifts of publicly traded securities to a charity. This is a very attractive option for those who have publicly traded securities that have appreciated and have accumulated a tax liability. When ownership of securities is transferred to the Foundation, the donor does not incur capital gains tax and will receive a tax deduction for the market value of the transfer. The charity then realizes a cash benefit by selling the securities. Depending on the amount of appreciation, donors can realize considerable tax benefits from this type of donation.

This donation must be an “in kind” transfer of the security itself, not the cash proceeds of the sale of the security. Contact COPA for a form to accomplish this transfer.

Legacy Gifts

Gift of Life Insurance
Life insurance is a way to make a significant future gift at an affordable current cost without reducing the future value of your estate. You can transfer a life insurance policy to the Foundation and you will receive a donation receipt for the cash surrender value of the policy. As well, if you continue paying premiums, you will receive an annual tax receipt for these premiums. When you die, the charity receives the face value of the policy.
Alternatively you can take out a new life insurance policy at any time with the charity as the owner and pay the premiums, for which you will receive annual tax receipts.

Gifts in Your Will
Specific gifts of cash, securities or assets, or a percentage of the remaining estate can be bequeathed to the Foundation in your will. Your estate will receive a donation receipt for the value of your gift to reduce the tax payable on your final tax return. In this case your beneficiaries will benefit from the tax savings.

Named Endowment Fund
If you are able to make a very large donation you may wish to consider your own named endowment fund. Endowment funds are invested securely to generate on-going annual income in support of the Foundation’s work. Contact COPA to discuss this option.