February 9, 2018



Kevin Elwood

Stayner, ON

My name is Kevin Elwood. I am a husband, father, commercial pilot, business owner, landowner, and elected municipal councilor in Stayner, Ontario.

  1. I have had a long-time love of flying. Beginning Flight training in 1986 to now carrying an ATPL license and having flown 25 aircraft types. I have a network of industry relationships from recreational pilots thru to professional pilots, maintenance engineers and airport operators.
  2. I have owned several planes during my 32 years as a pilot, including Ultra-Lights, Cessna 150, Cessna 185 and Cessna 206 and a Piper PA11S.
  3. While flying is my passion, it is also my business and supports my family. I am a professional Contract Pilot flying the DeHavilland Turbo Beaver. Prior to this, I was a Corporate Pilot from 1997 to 2006. In total, I have 5650 flight hours flying having flown in every Province and Territory of Canada and most of the continental US and Europe.
  4. Our 100-acre farm is the home of Clearview Field AerodromeCLV2 supported by RCAP IFR approaches.
  5. In 2009 I became aware of a proposed wind turbine project on land adjacent to Clearview Field Aerodrome close to Collingwood Regional Airport CNY3. I researched to understand how a dangerous proposal could be founded in government policy. To my dismay I learned that aviation facilities and procedures had been ignored by the Provincial Government even after COPA testified and submitted comments during the drafting of energy legislation. This gap in legislation resulted a project being approved by the province where upon the onus was on the aviation community to appeal and prove it would result in harm to human health. With much personal sacrifice, community support and COPA support the approval was revoked. I developed a knowledge of how aviation’s community benefits are overlooked by government and policy advisors. COPA has made it a priority to ensure general aviation is recognized for its contribution to society be it economic or social. This aviation knowledge and government experience can assist COPA in protecting personal Aviation and promote it as a valued, integral and sustainable part of the Canadian Community now and into the future.