Your Freedom to Fly is worth defending

The Freedom to Fly Fund was created to guarantee that COPA would have the resources to take on emergency actions, legal or otherwise, in the defence of the Canadian Freedom to Fly. This Fund is made available through the generous contributions of COPA members and supporters, to ensure that we continue to enjoy our freedoms, such as the right to have an airstrip on your property. Uses of the fund include legal actions such as the federal jurisdiction issue that was successfully brought before the Supreme Court of Canada in 2009-2010.

Contribute to the Freedom to Fly Fund


Apply for support from the Freedom to Fly Fund



The Freedom to Fly Fund has as a goal to maintain a ready, $1 million reserve to allow COPA the means to wage these battles in defence of our members and our Freedom to Fly. We need your continuing support to keep the war chest in shape and provide a reserve. You can contribute on an individual basis at any time or when renewing your membership. We also encourage our Flights to organize fundraising events to help replenish the reserve. Let’s all do our part to ensure that it remains in place for future challenges.

Jasper Airport, AB. Successfully reopened in 2013 thanks in part to resources from the Freedom to Fly Fund