Changes to COPA’s member portal

Did you know that COPA has recently launched a new COPA member hub? This is our one-stop-shop for your membership renewals and for connecting our members together.

Access COPA’s member hub


If you haven’t registered your account yet, check out the videos below to learn how you can access our new member management system. If you still have questions, check out our frequently asked questions guideline below. You can also contact COPA for further assistance at

Six easy steps to set up and activate your COPA account

Account set up Q&A webinar

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we switching systems?

Our old system was no longer serving the needs of our growing community and as a result, was reaching the end of its lifecycle. The new member hub is your one-stop-shop for renewing your membership, connecting with other members, and accessing exclusive advocacy updates.
At the same time, the new member hub is available on desktop and via a mobile app for download (Apple App Store and Google Play via My Glue from Glue Up). This means you’ll have more touchpoints with our network of 12,000 members and with COPA National.

How can I access my account?

Please click on the welcome link sent directly to your email from “”, and use the email we have on file for your membership. This would be the same email account for which you are currently receiving and reading this email.
Please use this time to review your information to ensure it is all up-to-date. The mailing address on file is what we use to send you print issues of our Flight magazine, for example. Please note, SMS is not currently a feature that is being offered.

What if I didn’t get a welcome email?

Please check your junk mail before reaching out. If you still cannot find the welcome email in your spam or your ‘other’ email folders, please contact  or call at 613-236-4901.

How do I make changes to my notifications?

Please click on the “Edit Profile” button on your dashboard and select which options you prefer from the “Notification Settings” button via the left pane on the My Glue dashboard.

How do I use the member directory?

This is an optional feature to members that will be introduced in the next stage of our launch. Members with preferences to not be searchable will be able to opt-out of this feature.

How does payment work?

Be sure to set up your payment information to ensure a smooth renewal process. COPA does not have access to credit card information. Your card details are held and protected by our payment system, Stripe.
Please note, effective October 1, 2023, COPA no longer accepts any form of payment other than credit cards for new memberships and for the renewal of memberships. This change will improve efficiency and reduce costs for the association and will ultimately help to fulfil our mission and better serve our members.
Additionally, COPA will still accept cheques for donations of $100.00 or more to the Freedom to Fly Fund and to the Flight Safety Foundation.

How can I setup my auto-renewal?

This option is currently disabled and will be introduced in the next stage of our implementation. If your prefer your membership to be automatically renewed, please hang tight for now!

What is COPA’s refund policy?

COPA memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. Once payment is made, no refunds will be issued, with the exception of extenuating circumstances made at the discretion of the association. Members can opt-in for a monthly membership option for a minimal 30-day commitment.

What is happening to the private Facebook group for members-only?

Our team is focused on building a thriving member hub where members are encouraged to connect with other members, engage in discussion, register for events, and update their membership information. As such, we are decommissioning the Facebook group effective February 29, 2024.
We strongly suggest all members using the Facebook group to explore the powerful features of our new member hub.