Meet the 2022 COPA National Fly-In and Aviation Exhibition co-hosts!

Association des Pilotes et Propriétaires de Hangar de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (APPH)

The Association of Pilots and Owners of Hangar Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu was created 19 years ago. Our objective is to promote Aviation and to increase this large family of ours. The Association was founded by passionate people and it is operated by volunteers only.  All members care deeply about AVIATION, in all its forms. In 2008, our Association joined the growing number of aeronautical communities by becoming “COPA Flight 160.”  

With more than 300 members and still attracting new ones, APPH is Quebec’s most active local pilot’s association. In past years, the APPH has given rise to numerous meetings and events. Members are invited to participate in monthly events throughout the year.  Among others, our renowned Fly-In takes place concurrently with the Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu International Balloon Festival is always a success. And our last annual Copa for Kids’ event attracted 250 participants and about 1,000 happy parents at the airport.   

Our members 

Our membership is comprised mainly of airmen, hangar owners, student pilots, amateur builders, balloon pilots, business people and many professionals; all these people have one thing in common in that they share their love of aviation.  One characteristic that our members share is their willingness to participate – in 2019, before COVID, about 80% of our members attended at least one event.  

More than a pilot’s association 

For the past 5 years, under contract with the city, we have been responsible for CYJN’s FBO operations.  We have a great relationship with city officials enabling us to be consulted on various aspects concerning the airport’s development and operations.  

This great connection that ties us to the city enhances our capability to host the COPA convention. Our goal is to make the 2022 National Fly-In and Aviation Exhibition one of the best ever.