A Gyroplane is also known as an Autogyro or Gyrocopter and defined as a rotary wing aircraft. They resembles a helicopter but the main rotor is free-spinning except for modern models being equipped with a main rotor pre-rotation system to start the rotation before the take-off run. A propeller equipped engine provides the thrust for forward motion.

The autogyro’s main rotor must have air flowing through the rotor disc to generate rotation, the rotor is then set in motion and is called autorotation. A short take-off run is required to accelerate the main rotor to generate lift required for take-off.

Many early models were built without an engine as Gyro-gliders.

Gyroplane Requirements

(1) Age

An applicant shall be a minimum of seventeen years of age.

(2) Medical Fitness

  1. (a) An applicant shall hold a Category 3 Medical Certificate valid for a Pilot Permit – Gyroplane.
  2. (b) The permit is maintained by a valid Category 1 or 3 Medical Certificate.

(3) Knowledge

An applicant shall have:

  1. (a) completed a minimum of 40 hours gyroplane pilot ground school instruction on the following subjects:
    1. (i) Canadian Aviation Regulations,
    2. (ii) Aerodynamics and Theory of Flight,
    3. (iii) Meteorology,
    4. (iv) Airframes, Engines and Systems,
    5. (v) Flight Instruments,
    6. (vi) Radio and Electronic Theory,
    7. (vii) Navigation,
    8. (viii) Flight Operations,
    9. (ix) Licensing Requirements, and
    10. (x) Human Factors, including pilot decision-making; and
  2. (b) obtained a minimum of 60% on the written examination Pilot Permit – Gyroplane (GYROP).

(4) Experience

  1. (a) An applicant shall have completed a minimum of 45 hours pilot flight training in gyroplanes under the direction and supervision of the holder of a flight instructor rating-gyroplane.
  2. (b) The flight training shall include a minimum of:
    1. (i) Two or More Seats
      1. (A) 12 hours dual instruction flight time including 2 hours cross-country flight time, and
      2. (B) 12 hours solo flight time including 3 hours cross-country flight time with a flight of a minimum of 60 nautical miles which shall include 2 full stop landings at points other than the point of departure.
    2. (ii) Single Seat
  3. Where an applicant is completing training in a single seat gyroplane the 45 hours pilot flight time in gyroplanes, of which 15 hours may be in towed flight, shall include 3 hours cross-country flight time with a flight of a minimum of 60 nautical miles which shall include 2 full stop landings at points other than the point of departure.

(5) Skill

  1. (a) Within the 12 month preceding the date of application for the permit, an applicant shall demonstrate in flight and on the ground to the holder of a Flight Instructor Rating – Gyroplane familiarity with, and the ability to perform both normal and emergency manoeuvres appropriate to the gyroplane used in the test, and with a degree of competency appropriate to that of the holder of a Pilot Permit – Gyroplane.
  2. (b) Where an applicant undertakes flight training and a flight test in a single-seat gyroplane, the flight test may be observed from another aircraft or the ground.

(6) Credits

  1. (a) Knowledge An applicant who holds a private or higher type pilot licence for aeroplanes or helicopters shall, when applying for the issue of a Pilot Permit – Gyroplane, have the 40 hour ground school instruction requirement reduced to 20 hours.
  2. (b) Experience
    1. (i) The total flight time must include a minimum of 30 hours in gyroplanes.
    2. (ii) Where an applicant holds a pilot licence in another aircraft category flight time credits shall be claimed as follows:
      1. (A) Aeroplane and Helicopter
        1. (I) a maximum of 15 hours towards the total flight time; and
        2. (II) a maximum of 4 hours solo flight time, 2 hours of which shall be credited to solo cross-country flight time.
      2. (B) Glider A maximum of 5 hours pilot-in-command flight time towards the total flight time.

(7) Credits for DND Applicants

  1. (a) Knowledge
    (amended 2005/12/01; previous version) Active and former Canadian Forces personnel who have qualified to pilot helicopter wings standard upon application for the issue of a Pilot Permit – Gyroplane, shall:

    1. (i) meet the 40 hours ground school instruction requirement by completing only 20 hours of these requirements, and
    2. (ii) be considered to have met the written examination requirement provided that the applicant obtains a minimum of 90% in the written examination Student Pilot Permit or Private Pilot Licence for Foreign and Military Applicants, Air Regulations (PSTAR),
  2. (b) Experience
    1. (i) active and former Canadian Forces personnel who have qualified to pilot helicopter wings standard may claim credits towards the experience requirements as follows:
    2. (A) a maximum of 15 hours towards the total flight time,
    3. (B) a maximum of 4 hours solo flight time, 2 hours of which shall be credited to solo cross-country flight time, and
    4. (C) the total flight time must include a minimum of 30 hours in gyroplanes.

(8) Credits for Foreign Applicants

The holder of a permit or licence, in the gyroplane category, issued by a Contracting State shall be deemed to have met the ground school instruction requirement, the written examination requirement and the skill requirement provided that the applicant:

  1. (a) meets the experience requirements;
  2. (b) obtains a minimum of 90% in the written examination Student Pilot Permit or Private Pilot Licence for Foreign and Military Applicants, Air Regulations (PSTAR); and
  3. (c) has completed in gyroplanes a minimum of 5 take-offs and landings within the 6 months preceding the date of application for the Canadian licence.

– Source: Canadian Air Regulations section 421.20 Gyroplane – Requirements