March 29, 2018
Girls Take Flight at Oshawa
The fifth Girls Take Flight is taking place at Enterprise Airlines at Oshawa Airport on April 21, 2018. This event is organized by the Ninety-Nines and focuses on encouraging girls to take interest in aviation and aerospace by providing them with information from education specialists. This is especially important when taking in consideration the current pilot shortage that the industry is facing.
“In attendance we will have inspiring female speakers who will immerse the girls in the world of aviation,” said spokeswoman Anna Rusinowski. ‘We also organize the opportunity for 200 girls to go for a free flight by pre-registering on our website.” There will be exhibitors offering information on various aviation and aerospace careers, static displays of aircraft, including the Durham Police helicopter, presentations by influential females in aviation. There will be numerous hands-on activities and the chance to interact with women with aviation careers. Registration starts April 1 and early registration is recommended.