January 20, 2022

Moore Brothers to build Regent seaglider

Jon Robinson

Regent selected Moore Brothers Company, a Rhode Island-based composite manufacturing, research, and development firm, to help build its seaglider technology demonstrator vehicle.

Regent is developing what it describes as all-electric seagliders to provide harbour-to-harbour, overwater transportation. It plans to test this technology demonstrator in the coming months ahead of the vehicle entering commercial service by 2025.

“As we continue to grow and move towards our 2025 commercial service goal, we look forward to partnering with even more incredible firms. We couldn’t image a better partner to kick off our technology demonstrator composite work than Moore Brothers,” said Billy Thalheimer, CEO, Regent. “Our technology demonstrator is built to fully perform end to end capabilities of float, foil, and fly.”

The Regent seaglider will aim to transport commercial passengers and critical cargo up to 180 miles at nearly 180 mph with existing battery technology. From the dock and while in the no wake zone, Regent explains the vehicle will float on its hull. Upon reaching 20 mph, it will rise up on its retractable hydrofoil as the vehicle leaves the city harbor at speeds of up to 40 mph.

Regent explains the vehicle in open water will then transition onto its wing, retract the foil, and accelerate to a 180-mph cruise speed, while staying within a wingspan of the water’s surface.

Similar to a hovercraft, Regent explains seagliders fly on an air cushion created by the pressurized air between the wings and the water, creating a “ground effect,” with operational efficiencies, increased payload capability, and greater range.