February 3, 2022

Ottawa provides CYLW with $18M in funding

Jon Robinson

Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport, on Jan. 26 announced more than $18 million in funding to help Kelowna International Airport, CYLW, recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to support continued air services and important transportation infrastructure projects at the airport. Alghabra was joined by Minister of International Development Harjit Sajjan, who is also the Minister for Pacific Economic Development Canada, in making the funding announcement.

Ottawa explains, to help ensure safe airport operations for aircraft, passengers and crew, CYLW will receive more than $15.2 million from Transport Canada’s Airport Critical Infrastructure Program to support: the expansion of the airport’s combined operations building; the replacement of sections of the terminal building roof; upgrades to airfield lighting infrastructure; the construction of runway end safety areas (RESA); and the establishment of facilities and modified airport infrastructure to facilitate improved flow and management of air travellers and airport employees related to COVID-19 testing and screening.

In addition to the funding for these infrastructure projects, the Government of Canada also provided the Kelowna International Airport with just over $3 million from Transport Canada’s Airport Relief Fund to help it maintain continued airport operations and essential air services for residents and workers in Kelowna and surrounding communities.

“These critical investments will allow the Kelowna International Airport to invest in the infrastructure and tools needed to help re-invigorate the aviation industry and allow Canadians to feel safe and secure when they travel,” said Alghabra.

The Airport Critical Infrastructure Program, launched in May 2021, will distribute $571.2 million in funding over five years to airports for eligible infrastructure projects related to safety, security, and connectivity to mass transit systems.

The Airport Relief Fund, launched in May 2021, provided $64.8 million in funding in 2021-2022 for targeted airports whose 2019 revenues were less than $250 million.

(Photo: Kelowna International Airport)