October 13, 2022

Papple Aviation expands with new hangars

Jon Robinson

Tyler Papple stands next to the new construction happening at the Wingham Airport on Sept. 25. Papple Aviation purchased the airport in 2022, expanding their existing business to Wingham. (Photo: Cory Bilyea)

— By Cory Bilyea, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Wingham Advance Times

Tyler Papple, owner/operator of Papple Aviation, is building new hangars at the Wingham Airport, complete with a new cement taxiway on one side and a grass taxiway on the other side that will allow planes to taxi right out to the runway from the hangars.

“There was a project planned here a few years ago for six hangars,” said Papple. “They had them all filled, but they couldn’t come to an agreement on who would pay for the taxiway.”

The new tee hangars will provide much-needed space for storing aircraft, and the expanded taxiways will make it easier for local plane owners to utilize the airport.

In between the existing hangars and the new ones, Papple left room for future use.

“A few people have talked about putting in maintenance hangars, or if people have larger aircraft, we’ve left room for expansion there,” he said.

Wherever possible, Papple does his own work, but he hires local contractors for work he can’t complete on his own. For example, Hardrock Concrete is helping them with the cement work for the new taxiways and floors in the new hangars.

Papple said that one of the new spaces is rented, and several people have expressed interest in leasing.

The cement taxiway is the most expensive option. Still, Papple said that partnering with Hardrock Concrete and using his experience with cement work will help alleviate the cost. In addition, the cement will last much longer than pavement, saving money in the long run.