August 30, 2018

Places To Fly – East: Casey, Que


Under-the-wing Camping at Casey, Que. (47° 56′ 18″ -74° 5′ 23.9″)

A whole weekend under the wing, at the 65-year-old abandoned military airstrip of Casey in the Quebec backcountry. The strip (05/23) hard surface of international airport quality is 8 200′ x 200′. Altitude 1,291’ and the frequency in use will be 123.2.

Over the years, more and more people have shown up; last year there were 144 aircraft over two days, with 25 camping at once one night. On Saturday there will be corn on the cob, hot-dogs and soft drinks. Visit what is left of the old military facilities.

More details can be found here (in French only).