December 1, 2022

Town and Woodstock Flying Association finalize MOU

Jon Robinson

The Woodstock Flying Association and town sign MOU to operate the Woodstock airport. (Photo: Jim Dumville)

— By Jim Dumville, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, River Valley Sun

After a significant wait, council finally approved the Woodstock Airport MOU between the town and the Woodstock Flying Association.

Mayor Art Slipp welcomed council’s approval at the Nov. 8 council meeting, explaining the delays in finalizing the document did not involve a significant issue. Still, both sides wanted to clarify all details.

“We’ve been going back and forth with Matt McLatchy (Woodstock Flying Association president),” the mayor said.

McLatchy will serve as the flying association’s liaison with the town. Woodstock council will also appoint a liaison.

One of the final details included hangar fee rates collected by the town. Slipp said the town will collect 20 cents per square foot in 2022, with the fee increasing to 30 cents in 2023.

The town will review the hangar fees annually and use the funds for improvements as laid out in the development plan.

Under the agreement, the town will maintain the airport grounds as needed, including the runway, ramp area, parking lot and field areas.

The flying association will maintain and operate the clubhouse, ensuring it is available to the flying public.

The town will work with the flying association board to create development plans, including one for the airport.

The town will maintain liability insurance and pay taxes.

The Woodstock Flying Association’s responsibilities include hosting flying-related events and ensuring they comply with regulations.

The association must also ensure it follows town regulations and respond to public inquiries about the airport via email or social media.

The flying association, through its liaison, must provide accurate data to the Nav Canada publication and issue NOTAMS (alerts to pilots of potential hazards) as needed.