Procedures to Apply for the Freedom to Fly Fund


1. Inquiry is received at the COPA office from a COPA member or through a COPA director.

2. Application for Funding form is completed by the member requesting assistance and submitted, along with any additional background information, to COPA HQ.

  • Complete the form below – this is automatically delivered to COPA HQ


  • Download the Application for Funding form and send by email to
  • By Fax: 613.236.8646
  • By mail: Canadian Owners and Pilots Association, 75 Albert Street, Suite 903, Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7

3. Application is forwarded by COPA Staff to COPA Freedom to Fly Fund (FFF) formerly the SAF Committee for review.

4. FFF Committee makes recommendation to the COPA Board of Directors.

5. COPA Board of Directors considers application at next meeting or, in the case of urgency, may be polled by telephone, fax, or E-mail.

6. If Board decides in favour of FFF assistance, it forwards its recommendation for funding, with or without conditions, to the Board of FFF.

7. FFF Board gives final approval of project including limits, if any, to COPA staff to administer the funding of the project. The FFF Board approves selecting and retaining counsel if required.

8. COPA staff administers the “Approved Project,” expending funds as appropriate within the approved limits. Any request or need for increased funding must go to the FFF Committee and Board for approval.

9. COPA staff keeps FFF Committee informed of the project’s progress, who in turn will keep the Board informed.

Questions or more information about the fund should be directed to:

Doug Ronan, Chair

Freedom to Fly Fund - Application for Funding

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY